How to Make a Spiral Staircase in Minecraft

Make a Spiral Staircase in Minecraft


If you are a Minecraft fan looking for inspiration and ideas on new creations this tutorial will guide you on how to make a spiral staircase in Minecraft in five easy steps!

How ever tall you wish for your center of the staircase spiral to be place it down first.

How ever tall you wish for your center of the staircase spiral to be place it down first.

Place a slab at the floor and than a block next to the slab. As you go up you will not need to hop just walk up.

Place a slab at the floor and than a block next to the slab. As you go up you will not need to hop just walk up.

Continue this patter of block and slab until you reach the top of your creation.

Continue this pattern of block and slab until you reach the top of your creation.

As you look in the picture notice how the slab is just a half block above the block. This way you can tell if you are doing the correct pattern.

As you look in the picture notice how the slab is just a half block above the block. This way you can tell if you are doing the correct pattern.

Finally as you reach the top your staircase is done.

Finally as you reach the top your staircase is done! There are many inspiring designs around the web and I hope you have enjoyed this B+C Guide on how to make a spiral staircase in Minecraft. Share your thoughts in the comments below!

The creator of this guide has not included tools