How to make low fat chicken sliders

Make Low Fat Chicken Sliders


Ingredients. Bacon, carrot, tomato, hamburger rolls, black chia seeds, lettuce, chicken thigh fillet, red onion

Ingredients. Bacon, carrot, tomato, hamburger rolls, black chia seeds, lettuce, chicken thigh fillet, red onion

Cut up onion

Cut up onion

Cut up tomato and lettuce

Cut up tomato and lettuce

Cut any fat off the chicken

Cut any fat off the chicken

Cook onions until coloured

Cook onions until coloured

Cook bacon until golden

Cook bacon until golden

Place chicken in pan

Place chicken in pan

Place burger bun on a toaster for a few seconds or until warm and crispy

Place burger bun on a toaster for a few seconds or until warm and crispy

  • 2.0 Carrots
  • Black Chia Seed
  • Tomato
  • Short cut bacon
  • Red onion
  • Chicken thigh fillets skinless
  • Mini burger rolls
  • Sweet crunch lettuce