How to zest, peel, and juice limes
Fresh Lime Juice Adds Freshness and Tang to Many Recipes.
Choose limes that are blemish-free and not too thick-skinned. Squeeze to determine that they may not be too dry inside.
Use a rasp to remove the green zest without removing the bitter, white pith.
Some rasps are flat but I use a round one. Gently run the rasp against the lime being careful not to pick up any of the white pith.
Knock the round rasp against counter to release the zest.
Use a wide potato peeler. . Pull against the lime to remove the peel.
Wide strips of peel with pith. Strips are used for lime sugar. The white part must be removed though.
Peels can be stored in fridge or freezer but I have found that they have a very short shelf-life.
An electric juicer makes short work of juicing many limes. I use a manual juicer for small key limes because they have many fibrous sections.
Position center of lime directly over tip of juicer and gently press down. The rotation of the juicer will do the rest.
The lime is completely juiced.
Fresh and delicious lime juice. Store in glass container in fridge or freeze in ice cube tray. Thanks for viewing. For awesome napkins, please click on
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