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How to write words on a calculator

Write Words on a Calculator


First get your calculator

In the next step when you see a πŸ‘† or ☝ it is a symbol that means the next word is coming.

Here's a list of words & how to type them(turn calculator upside down first) : . LOL = 707 ☝Sell = 7735πŸ‘†. Spill = 77165πŸ‘† Hi = 14 πŸ‘†Leg = 738πŸ‘† Go = 0.9πŸ‘†. Shoes = 53045 πŸ‘†HOHOHO = 404040

Zoo = 002πŸ‘†Glide = 30176☝she = 345☝ beg = 839πŸ‘† less = 5537πŸ‘† lies = 5317☝ pill = 7716 πŸ‘† 0.7734 πŸ‘† hola = 6704✌ & that's all the ones I know!!!!!

  • Calculator