How to weave a authentic native dreamcatcher

This is the way I was taught in school and by my mother.


Gather supplies. I used a bangle bracelet for my hoop.

Gather supplies. I used a bangle bracelet for my hoop.

Start by knotting your thread on the hoop.

Start by knotting your thread on the hoop.

With the thread behind the hoop bring it over the hoop and string it around the hoop between eather side of the thread.

With the thread behind the hoop bring it over the hoop and string it around the hoop between eather side of the thread.

Making a twisted loop like this. This is the start to your dream catcher.

Making a twisted loop like this. This is the start to your dream catcher.

Pull it tight to make sure it looks good. Yup this looks good. Using the same method continue around the hoop.

Pull it tight to make sure it looks good. Yup this looks good. Using the same method continue around the hoop.

Once you've completed going around the hoop. Don't over crowd the base loops, you still have to weave on to the strand between the loops on the hoop. Tehehe.

Once you've completed going around the hoop. Don't over crowd the base loops, you still have to weave on to the strand between the loops on the hoop. Tehehe.

Now using the base strings continue on.

Now using the base strings continue on.

Making loops on the base threads. Weave the free end in the base strand and then pulling the free end thru the hole you just made a d pull towards yourself.

Making loops on the base threads. Weave the free end in the base strand and then pulling the free end thru the hole you just made a d pull towards yourself.

Don't worry about how loose it might look or if the loops shift on the hoop or the strands those can always be adjusted later. Continue as the strings get narrower and your closer to the center.

Don't worry about how loose it might look or if the loops shift on the hoop or the strands those can always be adjusted later. Continue as the strings get narrower and your closer to the center.

When adding beads string one on the loose end and when making loops it gets left on the tight string.

When adding beads string one on the loose end and when making loops it gets left on the tight string.

When your at the center, using your string pull taut an then tying it off in the center and trim off the excess string. And there you have it. Hope you enjoy!!

  • 1.0 Circle shape
  • 1.0bnch Twine, thread, cord, string.
  • 1.0bnch Beads (optional)