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How to wear foot socks that don't show on doll shoes

Wear Foot Socks That Don't Show on Doll Shoes


Whenever I wear any close toed shoes, I always wear foot socks with them. The problem with doll shoes is that the socks always show. Here's a technique where you can wear socks with doll shoes :)

Here's a foot sock :)

Here's a foot sock :)

Here's a comparison between when you normally put on foot socks (left) and when you use the technique (right).

Here's a comparison between when you normally put on foot socks (left) and when you use the technique (right).

Okay, so first put them on like this.

Okay, so first put them on like this.

Take the end, and twist it. 180 degrees

Take the end, and twist it. 180 degrees

Finish it off and secure it on your heel.

Finish it off and secure it on your heel.

And this is how it looks like from the front, the side and the sole.

You may get bothered by the knot on the middle of your sole but you'll eventually get used to it. Thank you and hope this guide helps! :D

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