How to wear a chiffon shawl : drappery style 1

Wear a Chiffon Shawl : Drappery Style 1


You need : 1. Inner scarf 2. Chiffon shawl 3. Pins

You need : 1. Inner scarf 2. Chiffon shawl 3. Pins

Wear your chiffon shawl with one side longer than the other

Wear your chiffon shawl with one side longer than the other

Take the inside part from the longer side

Take the inside part from the longer side

Put it in the bottom of the other side

Put it in the bottom of the other side

Wrap it to the other side from the back and put in there

Wrap it to the other side from the back and put in there

Take the inside part of the shorter side

Take the inside part of the shorter side

Take to back of your head

Take to back of your head

Pin it

Pin it

Pin the shawl to secure it

Pin the shawl to secure it


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