This was old wax for making candles I used. You can get fancy ski wax if you like. The process is the same.
Use an old iron. This will ruin your iron for use on clothes. This iron is dedicated now for waxing. Turn the iron to high (cotton). Do not use water in the iron. Drip melted wax sparingly on bottom.
Use the iron to spread the dripped wax evenly over the underside of the toboggan. Melt down think spots. It's easier to do that now. You'll have to scrape it off later.
This is where the wax has pooled up. Try to avoid the pooling pictured here. Wax in the screws are fine. Keeps it from rusting.
A ice scraper works just fine. They make ski and snowboard scrapers. Doesn't matter as long as you have a sharp flat edge to scrape the wax off.
The smaller ice scraper is handy and does a great job.
Take a nail or screw and scrape off excessive wax in the cracks.
Use the scraper to get the excessive wax of creating a smooth surface.
As you go you should see the wax coming off. This is correct. You can collect this wax if your work area is clean and melt it down to use again in the future.
Once the scraping is done take your scotch scrubbing pad & start scrubbing lengthwise the direction of the boards. The point isn't to scrub off the wax but to polish it smooth.
That's it! You're all done. The wax should be equally covering the bottom of the toboggan without any excessive build up in a nice thin layer.
Enjoy! Happy sledding!
- 1.0 Toboggan
- 1.0 Bar of parofin or ski wax
- 1.0 Old iron
- 1.0 Scotch scrubbing pad
- 1.0 Flat sharp edge plastic scraper