How to water marble nails

Water Marble Nails


Paint your nails with both a base coat and at least one coloured coat.

Paint your nails with both a base coat and at least one coloured coat.

Tape around the sides of your nail like this.

Tape around the sides of your nail like this.

Choose your colours, unscrew the caps before you start to save time.

Choose your colours, unscrew the caps before you start to save time.

Drop your colours into the water in a bullseye effect and then using your toothpick etc, pull the colours around until it looks good.

Drop your colours into the water in a bullseye effect and then using your toothpick etc, pull the colours around until it looks good.

Ooh patterny...

Ooh patterny...

Find a pretty bit to dunk your nails in...

Find a pretty bit to dunk your nails in...


Far out, man.

Far out, man.

Be sure to collect up the bloopy stuff between nails.

Be sure to collect up the bloopy stuff between nails.

Become a monster! Didn't tape my pinkies here, just to experiment!

Become a monster! Didn't tape my pinkies here, just to experiment!

You may have water trapped under the marble, see the ripples on the thumb? Carefully tease these out.

You may have water trapped under the marble, see the ripples on the thumb? Carefully tease these out.

Now you can un-tape them and enjoy picking the smudges off (well I do!)

Now you can un-tape them and enjoy picking the smudges off (well I do!)

Add your top coat and you're done!

Add your top coat and you're done!

Ooh pretty! Top coat fixes all mistakes!

Ooh pretty! Top coat fixes all mistakes!

Experiment gone horribly wrong...!

Experiment gone horribly wrong...!

Erm. Oops.

Erm. Oops.

  • Nail varnishes
  • Room temp water
  • Orange stick/toothpick/pin
  • Scotch tape
  • An old bowl/cup
  • Topcoat