How to vietnamese opo squash soup

Vietnamese Opo Squash Soup


Wash the shrimps

Wash the shrimps

Slice opo squash into bite size

Slice opo squash into bite size

Remove shrimp heads and black intestine line in the back

Remove shrimp heads and black intestine line in the back

Boil shrimp heads in water to use as soup base

Boil shrimp heads in water to use as soup base

Crush the shrimp body

Crush the shrimp body

Add 1 tbsp fish sauce

Add 1 tbsp fish sauce

Add 1 tsp of chicken knor

Add 1 tsp of chicken knor

1/2 tsp of salt

1/2 tsp of salt

Add 1/2 tsp of shrimp paste and mix all together

Add 1/2 tsp of shrimp paste and mix all together

Put shrimp head and soup into a bowl

Put shrimp head and soup into a bowl

Add 2 tsp of oil

Add 2 tsp of oil

As purple shallot

As purple shallot

Add a little water

Add a little water

Let sit until shrimps turn yellow

Let sit until shrimps turn yellow

Add the soup base from earlier (without the shrimp heads) and wait till boil, add 1/4 tsp of sugar if you want the flavor to be less harsh. Wait till the water boil

Add the soup base from earlier (without the shrimp heads) and wait till boil, add 1/4 tsp of sugar if you want the flavor to be less harsh. Wait till the water boil

Add bau and wait till it boil again

Add bau and wait till it boil again

Remove the opo squash soup from heat as soon as it boiled and more condiments as needed. Enjoy!

  • 1/2 Opo Squash
  • 6.0 Shrimps with heads on
  • 1/3 Purple Shallot