How to - valentines day gift

- Valentines Day Gift


Trace and cut out some hearts about 9-15, depending on how many you want in a row.

Trace and cut out some hearts about 9-15, depending on how many you want in a row.

Cut out your hearts

Cut out your hearts

Get your frame

Get your frame

Place your hearts where you want them

Place your hearts where you want them

Cut the string slightly longer that the picture frame.

Cut the string slightly longer that the picture frame.

Tape the heart to the string.

Tape the heart to the string.

Once they are all taped...

Once they are all taped...

Tape the string to the frame. The top...

Tape the string to the frame. The top...

Then the bottom...

Then the bottom...

You're Done!

  • Picture Frame
  • Coloured Paper
  • Tape
  • String
  • Scissors
  • Pencil