How to utilize crutches

Utilize Crutches


Step One: Something bad happens. If you have to use crutches, first of all something bad probably happened to your leg. For me, my knee is my problem.

Step One: Something bad happens. If you have to use crutches, first of all something bad probably happened to your leg. For me, my knee is my problem.

Step Two: Get a pair of crutches. You won't be able to walk with an injured leg if you don't have a pair of crutches. You can go to the Rapids Fire Department, or ask someone you know who has them.

Step Two: Get a pair of crutches. You won't be able to walk with an injured leg if you don't have a pair of crutches. You can go to the Rapids Fire Department, or ask someone you know who has them.

Step Three: Find out your height and move the crutches to what your height is. Crutches are hard to use if you don't have the crutches at the correct size.

Step Three: Find out your height and move the crutches to what your height is. Crutches are hard to use if you don't have the crutches at the correct size.

Step Four: Get the correct placement on your crutches. Your hand goes on the handle bar in the middle of the crutches, and the top of the crutches goes under your armpit.

Step Four: Get the correct placement on your crutches. Your hand goes on the handle bar in the middle of the crutches, and the top of the crutches goes under your armpit.

Step Five: Starting to walk. Crutches go first and then your good leg. After you do it a couple time it comes natural and you don't need to think about it.

Step Five: Starting to walk. Crutches go first and then your good leg. After you do it a couple time it comes natural and you don't need to think about it.

Step Six: Going up stairs. When you begin to go up the stairs remember your good leg goes up first, then followed by your crutches. Keep repeating that and take your time.

Step Six: Going up stairs. When you begin to go up the stairs remember your good leg goes up first, then followed by your crutches. Keep repeating that and take your time.

Whenever you reach the top, make sure you celebrate because it feels like you just climbed a mountain.

Whenever you reach the top, make sure you celebrate because it feels like you just climbed a mountain.

Step Seven: Going down stairs. When you are on your way back down the stairs, the crutches go first and then your good leg. Make sure you take your time going down too.

Step Seven: Going down stairs. When you are on your way back down the stairs, the crutches go first and then your good leg. Make sure you take your time going down too.

Extra Tip #1: Opening doors. It is usually easiest to open doors with your butt and then to walk backwards. That way is the easiest because then you keep keep your hands on the crutches.

Extra Tip #1: Opening doors. It is usually easiest to open doors with your butt and then to walk backwards. That way is the easiest because then you keep keep your hands on the crutches.

You are now ready to use crutches. But hopefully there is no reason you would need to!

  • Injured leg/foot
  • Pair of crutches
  • Great attitude