How to use your fingers to make a rainbow loom bracelet
This is a really fun and easy way to make cool-looking rainbow loom bracelets!!!! U should try it!🍭👍
Grab your bands and clips!
Pick out 1 band and twist around your pointy and middle finger.
Add another 1...this time don't twist ;)
And another...
Grab the bottom 1 ( the one that u twisted ) and bring it up over the top of all of the bands.
Repeat with the other side...
Then put another band on :)
Keep going!
On, and on....
Again and again!
Go until you reach your desired length.
Pull off the extra band.... Mine is the hot pink 1
See! It's gone now :)
Put both of the rubber band loops on your finger ( this just makes it easer to attach the clip ) Make sure you pull tight! :P
Add the clip...
Now, take the end of the bracelet and add the clip 2 it.
Like this ^
All done!!!
Had some fun ;)
Thanks for viewing this guide, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Have lots of fun! Ü
- 2 of your fingers!
- Lots of rainbow loom rubber bands
- A 'c' or 's' clip
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