How to use your fingers to make a rainbow loom bracelet

This is a really fun and easy way to make cool-looking rainbow loom bracelets!!!! U should try it!🍭👍


Grab your bands and clips!

Grab your bands and clips!

Pick out 1 band and twist around your pointy and middle finger.

Pick out 1 band and twist around your pointy and middle finger.

Add another 1...this time don't twist ;)

Add another 1...this time don't twist ;)

And another...

And another...

Grab the bottom 1 ( the one that u twisted ) and bring it up over the top of all of the bands.

Grab the bottom 1 ( the one that u twisted ) and bring it up over the top of all of the bands.

Repeat with the other side...

Repeat with the other side...

Then put another band on :)

Then put another band on :)

Keep going!

Keep going!

On, and on....

On, and on....

Again and again!

Again and again!

Go until you reach your desired length.

Go until you reach your desired length.

Pull off the extra band.... Mine is the hot pink 1

Pull off the extra band.... Mine is the hot pink 1

See! It's gone now :)

See! It's gone now :)

Put both of the rubber band loops on your finger ( this just makes it easer to attach the clip ) Make sure you pull tight! :P

Put both of the rubber band loops on your finger ( this just makes it easer to attach the clip ) Make sure you pull tight! :P

Add the clip...

Add the clip...

Now, take the end of the bracelet and add the clip 2 it.

Now, take the end of the bracelet and add the clip 2 it.

Like this ^

Like this ^

All done!!!

Had some fun ;)

Had some fun ;)

Thanks for viewing this guide, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Have lots of fun! \u00dc

Thanks for viewing this guide, and I hope you enjoyed it!!! Have lots of fun! Ü

  • 2 of your fingers!
  • Lots of rainbow loom rubber bands
  • A 'c' or 's' clip