How to use strong verbs

And Justin Pizzia


Verbs are the source of action for a sentence, so it is important to use strong ones that for the sentence correctly.

Verbs are the source of action for a sentence, so it is important to use strong ones that for the sentence correctly.

If "and" joins two verbs, use the plural form. If they are joined by "or" use the singular form.

If "and" joins two verbs, use the plural form. If they are joined by "or" use the singular form.

Verbs like "is" and "has been" can be combined with a past participle like "cooked" or "stung" to create a passive verb. Use these to create a sentence in which the subject is acted on.

Use passive verbs sparingly, as they tend to make writing stiff and formal.

Remember to replace weak verb-noun combinations as they tend to lengthen sentences. Also delete any unneeded adverbs as this is also a way to tighten up your writing.

In conclusion, use verbs that match your subject and add to depth in your writing.

Steps and advice taken from The Longman Writer by Judith Nadell, John Langan, and Eliza A. Comodromos

  • 1.0 Brain
  • 1.0 Pencil
  • 1.0 Piece of paper