How to use snapguide

Use Snapguide


Install the app

Install the app

Sign up/sign in with FB, Twitter or your email

Sign up/sign in with FB, Twitter or your email

Click on "create" at the bottom

Click on "create" at the bottom

Name your "how to" guide and click on "Done" at the top-right

Name your "how to" guide and click on "Done" at the top-right

To write a list of ingredients or tools tap on "add supplies here". (This list is optional)

To write a list of ingredients or tools tap on "add supplies here". (This list is optional)

Create your list and click on "Done" at the top-right

Create your list and click on "Done" at the top-right

To start adding steps: Click on "add a step" at the bottom

To start adding steps: Click on "add a step" at the bottom

Add a photo (take one as you go or upload photos you had taken previously), a video or text

Add a photo (take one as you go or upload photos you had taken previously), a video or text

Click on "done" at the bottom-left. Then tap on the newly crated step to add text or voice (the explanation of the step)

Click on "done" at the bottom-left. Then tap on the newly crated step to add text or voice (the explanation of the step)

Add as many steps as you need

Add as many steps as you need

When done adding steps, click on "Next" at the top-right

When done adding steps, click on "Next" at the top-right

Click on "change cover photo" if you want to choose a different picture as your cover. Otherwise click on "Publish" at the top-right. DONE!

The creator of this guide has not included tools