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Just go to and bookmark it for quick access. Click register if you are new or sign in if you already have an account.

Just go to and bookmark it for quick access. Click register if you are new or sign in if you already have an account.

All you need is an email address. Yes, you now have to tie it to an Amazon account, which is a  nuisance. But who doesn't love Amazon? (I'm skipping the other steps to register. It's a bit tedious)

All you need is an email address. Yes, you now have to tie it to an Amazon account, which is a nuisance. But who doesn't love Amazon? (I'm skipping the other steps to register. It's a bit tedious)

Keep your password handy in a secure spot once you create it.

Keep your password handy in a secure spot once you create it.

Now you're in! Time to make a profile.

Now you're in! Time to make a profile.

Keep it simple and not too personal. Make use of the ability to limit who contacts you under this account settings page.

Keep it simple and not too personal. Make use of the ability to limit who contacts you under this account settings page.

Ooh time to personalize the appearance of your virtual bookshelf!

Ooh time to personalize the appearance of your virtual bookshelf!

How many emails do you want from Shelfari? Control that here under Notifications.

How many emails do you want from Shelfari? Control that here under Notifications.

Time to explore! Let's get some books on that shelf! Make use of the drop down navigation list on the left.

Time to explore! Let's get some books on that shelf! Make use of the drop down navigation list on the left.

Search for a book and make sure the drop down search choice says books. Other useful searching choices is friends or groups.

Search for a book and make sure the drop down search choice says books. Other useful searching choices is friends or groups.

Shelfari will take you thru several steps when you use the "add" button. I tend to skip this step here about Facebook and Twitter, but that's generally a time- saving decision for me.

Shelfari will take you thru several steps when you use the "add" button. I tend to skip this step here about Facebook and Twitter, but that's generally a time- saving decision for me.

Here's a great place to input your own review of the book. Get some press, baby!

Here's a great place to input your own review of the book. Get some press, baby!

This is YOUR description. No copyright violations here!

This is YOUR description. No copyright violations here!

A chance here to brag about your advance or autographed copy maybe...

A chance here to brag about your advance or autographed copy maybe...

Use tags to help others find books of interest to them. I love this way of utilizing our collective knowledge instead of relying on standardized, "official" subject headings created in library world.

Use tags to help others find books of interest to them. I love this way of utilizing our collective knowledge instead of relying on standardized, "official" subject headings created in library world.

Going back to your shelf, you can keep a list of titles you want to read. Then, when you begin reading, or finish a book, just use the drop down edit menu to change the status and add a quick rating.

Going back to your shelf, you can keep a list of titles you want to read. Then, when you begin reading, or finish a book, just use the drop down edit menu to change the status and add a quick rating.

This can also be done from the search screen instead of your shelf.

This can also be done from the search screen instead of your shelf.

Looking at a book's page, you can see who read it and if they liked it. Did any of your friends read it?

Looking at a book's page, you can see who read it and if they liked it. Did any of your friends read it?

Book extras is my favorite. Here you can find some great details on plot and characters if you've forgotten.

Book extras is my favorite. Here you can find some great details on plot and characters if you've forgotten.

And the discussions can get very interesting!

And the discussions can get very interesting!

Now let's add some friends! You can start with me! Search for Rockett and look for my m & m icon. Some friends will need to tell you their username.

Now let's add some friends! You can start with me! Search for Rockett and look for my m & m icon. Some friends will need to tell you their username.

Now you can send and receive messages from them.

Now you can send and receive messages from them.

Awesome, right? I think you are ready to start logging your reads!

  • All you need is a computer, tablet, or phone wit.