How to use realplayer to download youtube videos

Use RealPlayer to Download YouTube Videos


Download and install RealPlayer

Download and install RealPlayer

After launching RealPlayer, click on the RealPlayer icon and select "Preferences..." from the drop-down.

After launching RealPlayer, click on the RealPlayer icon and select "Preferences..." from the drop-down.

Choose "Download & Recording" at the bottom of the left pane.

Choose "Download & Recording" at the bottom of the left pane.

Click the "Browse" button to choose where your videos will be stored.

Click the "Browse" button to choose where your videos will be stored.

Increase this value to at least 30 seconds to allow for any ads that might play before your video begins.  Click "OK."

Increase this value to at least 30 seconds to allow for any ads that might play before your video begins. Click "OK."

Go to YouTube and begin playing your video. The download button will appear at the top of the window. When you click on it, your video will begin downloading to your computer.

  • 1.0 Computer
  • 1.0 Internet connection
  • 1.0 Installed copy of RealPlayer