How to use occupational therapy for autism

Use Occupational Therapy for Autism


What is autism???????

What is autism???????

Autism is a mental condition, from early childhood. Persons with autism have difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people,and using language and abstract concepts.

Occupational therapy is very helpful for persons with autism. Autism often complicates communicating and interacting with other people. Interests, activities, and play skills are limited.

Occupational therapy helps autistic people develop these skills at home and in school.

Occupational therapists study human growth and development and interaction. They apply what they have studied to help a person with autism, to help the autistic person live as normal as possible.

Occupational therapist can not do this task alone. A team that includes parents, teachers, and other professionals set specific goals for the person with autism.

These goals often involve social interaction, behavior, and classroom performance.

Therapy evaluation

Therapy evaluation

OT's observe to see if the autistic child can do tasks that are expected at their age. Getting dressed or playing games. The child maybe videotaped, to see how they interact in the environment.

Things that will be looked at: Attention span/stamina, transition to new activities, play skills, need for personal space, response to touch or other types of stimuli

Motor skills(posture, balance, manipulation of small objects).Aggression or other types of behaviors Interactions between the child and caregivers.

Motor skills

Motor skills

After evaluating, steps are made to put a structured program in place for the child. There is no single ideal treatment program. But early, structured, individualized care has been shown to work best.

The overall goal of occupational therapy is to help the autistic improve quality of life at home and in school.They help improve skills so that people with autism can be as independent as possible.

Skills OT's help reach: Daily living skills(toilet training, dressing, brushing teeth &other grooming skills)

Daily living skills

Daily living skills

Fine motor skills required for holding objects while handwriting or cutting with scissors

Fine motor skills

Fine motor skills

Gross motor skills(walking, climbing stairs, or riding a bike Sitting, posture, or perceptual skills, such as telling the differences between colors, shapes, and sizes.

Gross motor skills

Gross motor skills

Visual skills for reading and writing. coping, self-help, problem solving, communication, and social skills.

Visual skills

Visual skills

After therapy autistic children will have learned: Develop peer and adult relationships,learn how to focus on tasks, learn how to self-regulate

Learn how to delay gratification, express feelings in more appropriate ways, engage in play with peers.

Playing with peers happily!!!!!

Playing with peers happily!!!!!

The creator of this guide has not included tools