How to use and understand the bible

Use and Understand the Bible


Land Bridge  A connection between two land masses, especially a prehistoric one that allowed humans and animals to colonize new territory before being cut off by the sea, as across the Bering Strait.

Land Bridge A connection between two land masses, especially a prehistoric one that allowed humans and animals to colonize new territory before being cut off by the sea, as across the Bering Strait.

Land bridge definition from:

Canaan is known as the 'promised land.' In the Book of Exodus Moses led his people, the Israelites, out of slavery in Egypt towards the 'promised land.' It was a land where they could live.

Biblical timeline

Biblical timeline

Key information explained: (Next slide)

The Bible is inspired: Christians believe that the bible is inspired because it contains the word of God along with myths, mistakes and legends.

Catholics definition of truth: Catholics understand that Jesus is truth, Jesus taught his disciples the fullness of truth after that he taught his disciples and they taught others.

A Prophecy is a phrase that is predicted to come true. For example the ten plagues was a prophecy that was predicted to come true by Moses trusting in God to make it come true.

A Prophecy is a phrase that is predicted to come true. For example the ten plagues was a prophecy that was predicted to come true by Moses trusting in God to make it come true.

Elliott, J, 1997, To Know, Worship and Love, Melbourne, Catholic, Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia, page 27.

Elliott, J, 1997, To Know, Worship and Love, Melbourne, Catholic, Archdiocese of Melbourne, Australia, page 27.

The Bible has been translated many times. First in Aramaic then translated to Greek, Latin and English.

Problems when translating the bible: No original manuscripts, just copies of copies. Difficulty in translating old Greek and Hebrew. Difficulty understanding languages.

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