How to use an airsoft pistol

Use an Airsoft Pistol


You use the safety if you're not going to fire the firearm

You use the safety if you're not going to fire the firearm

To reload the firearm the safety must be off but NEVER look down the barrel of a firearm to make sure there is nothing in the barrel cock the top of the barrel backwards and a pellet will fall out

To reload the firearm the safety must be off but NEVER look down the barrel of a firearm to make sure there is nothing in the barrel cock the top of the barrel backwards and a pellet will fall out

To reload the actual clip press a button on the right side of the gun, and finally firing your weapon to fire make sure you have your eyewhere and make sure bullets are in the clip,safety off, aim,fir

To reload the actual clip press a button on the right side of the gun, and finally firing your weapon to fire make sure you have your eyewhere and make sure bullets are in the clip,safety off, aim,fir

  • Airsoft pistol
  • Airfsoft ammo
  • Protective eyeglassess
  • (Optional) padding
  • (MANDATORY) keep yourself in your parents sight