How to use a model to show the product of 2 fractions

Use a Model to Show the Product of 2 Fractions


Step 1: We are adding 2/6 and 6/8. First we need to make our models.

Step 1: We are adding 2/6 and 6/8. First we need to make our models.

Step 2: Then you need to combine the two models to make one big model.

Step 3: Next you need to shade in 2/6 and 6/8 on the same model.

Step 4: For your denominator you need to count all the squares. For your numerator you count the squares that over lap.

Step 5: Then you need to simplify from your answer 12/48 to 2/8 and that simplifies to 1/4.

  • A fraction model for 6/8
  • A fraction model for 2/6
  • A model for putting 6/8 and 2/6 together
  • 2 pieces of paper
  • A blue colored pencil
  • A brown colored pencil
  • A pencil
  • Another slide
  • Rtrecwrdeccqfcwfe