How to use a bescherelle

Use a Bescherelle

4 Steps

First of All flip to the last 70 pages

First of All flip to the last 70 pages

Find your word it will be in alphabetical order

Find your word it will be in alphabetical order

Third of all That's my word ster\u00e9otyper it has a number with it so you flip to the Page with that number at the top

Third of all That's my word steréotyper it has a number with it so you flip to the Page with that number at the top

What the heck that's not my word but I'm on the right page oh yeah I forgot you need to get ride of the root word and then keep the end ,examples and st\u00e9reotyper a ster\u00e9otype

What the heck that's not my word but I'm on the right page oh yeah I forgot you need to get ride of the root word and then keep the end ,examples and stéreotyper a steréotype

  • 1.0 Bescherelle