How to upgrade your nearpod account to gold edition

Upgrade your account and enjoy all the benefits of our Gold Edition!


Sign into using your credentials.

Sign into using your credentials.

Tap on the "..." button situated in the top right corner of the dashboard and a menu will display. Select the Upgrade option.

Tap on the "..." button situated in the top right corner of the dashboard and a menu will display. Select the Upgrade option.

Once you've read the details regarding Gold Edition, tap on Upgrade to Gold.

Once you've read the details regarding Gold Edition, tap on Upgrade to Gold.

You'll have to confirm the subscription first.

You'll have to confirm the subscription first.

Then, you need to allow Nearpod to access your personal details.

Then, you need to allow Nearpod to access your personal details.

Enter your Apple ID password.

Enter your Apple ID password.

Complete the Payment form.

Complete the Payment form.

Ready! Enjoy all the advantages of your Nearpod Gold Edition :)

  • 1.0 iPad, iPhone or iPod touch with the Nearpod app