How to unwrinkle clothes without an iron

Unwrinkle Clothes Without an Iron


Wrinkled shirt :(

Grab any kind of small towel or washcloth

Grab any kind of small towel or washcloth

Wet the washcloth completely

Wet the washcloth completely

Squeeze out any excess water!

Squeeze out any excess water!

Throw both the cloth and piece of clothes into a dryer :)

Throw both the cloth and piece of clothes into a dryer :)

Wait about 5/10 minutes! What this does is create steam in the dryer to smoothen the clothes out :)

Take out of the dryer and it's ready to wear! 😄

Another alternative is to spray water onto the clothes with a spray bottle just to make it a little damp and throwing It into the dryer :) it works really well too!

  • Washcloth/ small towel