How to understand the chip shot

Understand the Chip Shot


The chip shot is the part of the game I think most golfers have to practice a lot more. Why? According statistics the average hcp golfer (hcp 15+) often misses the green from ranges over 100 meters

The problem with these golfers are that they never practice the chip that much.

The definition of the chip for most golfers: A shot where the golf ball flies less than it rolls on the ground. But almost everyone plays the chip with a lot of air time and no roll...that is a pitch!

The famous "y" shape arm&club position.

The famous "y" shape arm&club position.

The best way to become a guru around the greens? Spend at least 50% of your practice session at the short game practice area.

Do you think these ball flights represents a chip shots ball flight? See answer below... The correct answer: No, these ball flights represents the ball flights of different pitch shots.

Next step I will explain the chipping setup. Good luck!

  • Iron
  • Golf ball
  • Mirror or friend