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To get to nirvana (the everlasting heaven for Buddhists) you have to not covet anything. This man has everything yet he was not happy so he gave all his things up and lived as a Buddhist.

To get to nirvana (the everlasting heaven for Buddhists) you have to not covet anything. This man has everything yet he was not happy so he gave all his things up and lived as a Buddhist.

To end the reincarnation you have to give up everything. Give up your earthly wealth and live your life. You will never find a true Buddhist who is not a vegetarian.

To end the reincarnation you have to give up everything. Give up your earthly wealth and live your life. You will never find a true Buddhist who is not a vegetarian.

To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy means 'love of wisdom'

To many, Buddhism goes beyond religion and is more of a philosophy or 'way of life'. It is a philosophy because philosophy means 'love of wisdom'

The noble truths are the guidelines that Buddhists follow. Like the guidelines of life.

The noble truths are the guidelines that Buddhists follow. Like the guidelines of life.

To the Buddhists their religion was not a way of life, but the way of life. You need to meditate daily and give everything material or you will never be happy. You will never reach nirvana.

To the Buddhists their religion was not a way of life, but the way of life. You need to meditate daily and give everything material or you will never be happy. You will never reach nirvana.

Christianity and Buddhism are similar in many ways. Buddhists cannot eat meat. Christians can.  They both have sacred text. Although one is called holy bible and the other Tripitaka

Christianity and Buddhism are similar in many ways. Buddhists cannot eat meat. Christians can. They both have sacred text. Although one is called holy bible and the other Tripitaka

  • What must one do to become the best Buddhist possi