How to turning an improper fraction into a mixed number!

Turning an Improper Fraction Into a Mixed Number!


First , make sure your numerator is bigger than your denominator, making it an improper fraction!

First , make sure your numerator is bigger than your denominator, making it an improper fraction!

Find out how many groups of your denominator you can make using your numerator!

Find out how many groups of your denominator you can make using your numerator!

Write the number of times your numerator goes into your denominator!

Write the number of times your numerator goes into your denominator!

If there is still an amount smaller than the denominator, write the amount on top of a line and below, write the same denominator!

If there is still an amount smaller than the denominator, write the amount on top of a line and below, write the same denominator!

And that's how you turn an improper fraction into a mixed number!

And that's how you turn an improper fraction into a mixed number!

  • 1.0 Pencil
  • 1.0 Paper
  • 1.0 Improper fraction
  • 1.0 Brain ( 1 or more. The more the better. )