How to turn your shopping bag into wrapping paper

Turn Your Shopping Bag Into Wrapping Paper


Choose the right sized bag for the item you want to wrap.

Choose the right sized bag for the item you want to wrap.

Open the bottom of the bag.

Open the bottom of the bag.

Careful not to tear!

Careful not to tear!

Open base of bag completely.

Open base of bag completely.

Turn over and cut along one of the back seams.

Turn over and cut along one of the back seams.

Commence wrapping!

Commence wrapping!

Cut off excess; leave a couple inches to turn under for a nice clean edge.

Cut off excess; leave a couple inches to turn under for a nice clean edge.

Trim any excess paper off the edges\u2026

Trim any excess paper off the edges…

Fold and tape...

Fold and tape...

Turn and repeat on other side\u2026

Turn and repeat on other side…

Note: Sometimes a larger box will allow you to keep the website logo on the back as well but may not always be centred.

Note: Sometimes a larger box will allow you to keep the website logo on the back as well but may not always be centred.

All finished!

  • 1.0 DAVIDsTEA shopping bag
  • Scotch tape
  • Scissors