How to turn keurig k-cups into seed starters

Recycle old K-cups into cost-effective seed starters. Perfect for any home garden c:


Enjoy 1-54 drinks of your choice c:

Enjoy 1-54 drinks of your choice c:

Peel off the foil top.

Peel off the foil top.

Dump contents & rinse. (you can use coffee/tea grounds for compost)

Dump contents & rinse. (you can use coffee/tea grounds for compost)

No need to let them dry. If you want more drainage holes in the bottom of your K-cup just place back into Keurig and push lever, turn and repeat as many times as desired.

No need to let them dry. If you want more drainage holes in the bottom of your K-cup just place back into Keurig and push lever, turn and repeat as many times as desired.

Get your flat box ready with a sheet of Plastic Wrap.

Get your flat box ready with a sheet of Plastic Wrap.

Fill K-cup to the top with potting soil.

Fill K-cup to the top with potting soil.

Place as many as you want in your flat box.

Place as many as you want in your flat box.

Time to pick your seeds!

Time to pick your seeds!

We went with Burpee Lettuce.

We went with Burpee Lettuce.

The seeds are pretty tiny so instead of trying to use your hands you can lick or wet the tip of a pencil and grab the seeds that way c:

The seeds are pretty tiny so instead of trying to use your hands you can lick or wet the tip of a pencil and grab the seeds that way c:

Plant your seeds in the cup, 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch down (so the soil just covers the seed)

Plant your seeds in the cup, 1/16 to 1/8 of an inch down (so the soil just covers the seed)

Get 4-5 toothpicks to hold up the top layer of Plastic Wrap.

Get 4-5 toothpicks to hold up the top layer of Plastic Wrap.

Place the toothpicks in the cups in the four corners and in the middle.

Place the toothpicks in the cups in the four corners and in the middle.

Water each cup.

Water each cup.

Get a couple pieces of Plastic wrap

Get a couple pieces of Plastic wrap

Cover seeds to create a greenhouse. And viola, your seeds are started! Germination times vary. Water periodically, to keep soil nice and moist. Once they have sprouted, remove wrap and keep moist.

Ours sprouted in a little less than a week. c:

Ours sprouted in a little less than a week. c:

Here's our indoor garden

Here's our indoor garden

We'll be transferring these outside pretty soon c:

We'll be transferring these outside pretty soon c:

  • 54.0 K-cups (for this project)
  • 1.0 Potting Soil
  • 1.0 Packet of seeds
  • 1.0 Flat Box
  • Saran Wrap
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • 5.0 Toothpick