How to transfer pictures from your camera to your ipad

This guide shows how to import pictures from a digital camera to an iPad using a USB adapter for iPad. For this guide I am using a canon 5d mark ii but most cameras or iPhones and iPod touch will do


You will need a n iPad USB adapter

You will need a n iPad USB adapter

You will also need the USB cable that came with your camera

You will also need the USB cable that came with your camera

Plug the USB cable in the adapter

Plug the USB cable in the adapter

Plug the cable in your camera and make sure it is turned on (most cameras get in transfer mode as soon as you plug them in the iPad some others might need some setup you'll find answers in the manual)

Plug the cable in your camera and make sure it is turned on (most cameras get in transfer mode as soon as you plug them in the iPad some others might need some setup you'll find answers in the manual)

This is it !!! The photos and videos are now part of your iPad photo library. Enjoy😃

  • iPad
  • A digital camera
  • USB adapter for iPad
  • USB cable to connect to the camera