How to train a dove to come to you (basic training)

Train a Dove to Come to You (Basic Training)


I decided to make this guide because of a recent trip to a pet store. When I saw some doves there it reminded me of the doves I use to use in my magic acts. I've trained many doves over the years.

I decided to make this guide because of a recent trip to a pet store. When I saw some doves there it reminded me of the doves I use to use in my magic acts. I've trained many doves over the years.

I've also helped other magicians train their doves. My first rule to them was to not think of the doves as a prop. Think of them as partners in their show. Their safety and health is priority one.

BTW. The reason magicians use doves more than other birds is because they're bright and easy to see. Look great. Easy to care for and fairly easy to train. They also live longer in captivity.

BTW. The reason magicians use doves more than other birds is because they're bright and easy to see. Look great. Easy to care for and fairly easy to train. They also live longer in captivity.

But since I see them in pet stores. Obviously non-magicians get them too. Many find their sounds soothing. And when properly cared for and clean they're neat to look at and they'll perch on your hand.

They're not known for their intelligence though. They aren't like parrots. They're more like chickens as far as intelligence. They just do what they do. But they can be taught to do basic things.

In this guide I'm going to teach the most basic thing but it'll require effort. We'll teach a dove to come to you when you "signal" it to come.

The first and often the hardest step is to get the dove to trust you. The best way to do that is with food and by being friendly. So you've got to make sure the dove is hungry.

The first and often the hardest step is to get the dove to trust you. The best way to do that is with food and by being friendly. So you've got to make sure the dove is hungry.

But I'm in no way suggesting you should compromise their health in any way. What I do is I remove the food from their cage for a few hours. Then put my hand in the cage with bird seed in my palm.

Leave your hand full of food in the cage for a while. Up to 5 minutes or so. Just leave your hand in their and keep it still. The dove will cock its head around and observe your hand.

Your goal here is to let the dove get comfortable with your hand and eventually come to it and eat the seed from your hand. It most likely won't happen the first try or even the first day.

After about five minutes with your hand full of seed in the cage. End the session. Wait about an hour then give them their food dish so they can eat all they want to. Then try again the next day.

Depending on the dove. This could go on for days or even weeks. But it'll eventually come to eat from your hand. Once it does let it eat. Wait a while and put your hand full of seed in the cage again.

Depending on the dove. This could go on for days or even weeks. But it'll eventually come to eat from your hand. Once it does let it eat. Wait a while and put your hand full of seed in the cage again.

But this time we'll add an important step. When you put your hand full of seed in. While you're waiting for it to come eat out of your hand. Give your hand a little shake every few seconds.

This shake of the hand causes the seed in your palm to rattle and make a little sound. The hand shaking and the sound of the seed rattling will be the signal for it to come to you later.

It also doesn't hurt to soothingly say things such as "come here" as you shake your hand. Some will be able to associate the sound of your voice as you say it. But not always.

Keep repeating this. Be patient. Eventually it'll come to your hand in the cage right away. When you reach this stage. Put the dove on a table and get it to come to your hand when you rattle the seeds

Keep repeating this. Be patient. Eventually it'll come to your hand in the cage right away. When you reach this stage. Put the dove on a table and get it to come to your hand when you rattle the seeds

One tip when it comes to wing feather clipping. Never clip the very end feather at the tip of their wing. Theres a vain running down it. Also, clip every other feather. They'll still look nice.

Don't worry. This wing feather clipping doesn't hurt them. It actually make them safer while training. They can still fly enough to stop them from hitting the floor. They just can't fly away.

And their feathers grow back fast. They have new feathers about 8 times a year. Clip two inches off a feather it'll completely grow back in weeks.

Back to the table training. Start really close to it. Then work your way farther and farther. Eventually it'll walk across an entire table to your hand.

Every time it comes to your hand. Get it to step into your index finger by gently push up on its chest with the side of your finger. It'll step on to your finger. Let it eat from your  hand.

Every time it comes to your hand. Get it to step into your index finger by gently push up on its chest with the side of your finger. It'll step on to your finger. Let it eat from your hand.

Your goal is always to make the dove comfortable with you. So let it perch on your finger and get to know you're friendly. This is important for the next step.

Flying to you is the next step. Once it'll walk to your hand on a table continuously. Shake your hand full of seed a few inches away from the table edge. With patience it'll eventually "hop" to you. .

Flying to you is the next step. Once it'll walk to your hand on a table continuously. Shake your hand full of seed a few inches away from the table edge. With patience it'll eventually "hop" to you. .

Once it'll do this consistently. Move farther and farther away. Let it learn that your finger is out for it to land on. It'll take time and patience. But it'll get there. .

Eventually just shaking your empty hand will be enough to signal it to come to you. But in the beginning the sound of the seed is extra encouragement. When they do come to you. Be friendly to him.

Always take care of the dove. Keep its cage clean. Make sure it has food and water. Make sure the temperature is right for him. While traveling soak paper towel in water. They can drink from it.

But never take them on long trips unattended. I'm mainly talking about magicians taking them to do a show somewhere. Also. Get them familiar with the magic props. Put them in their cage to get use to.

Well that's how to train a dove to come to you. It'll take time a patience. Above all keep them safe, clean, healthy and happy. Enjoy!

Well that's how to train a dove to come to you. It'll take time a patience. Above all keep them safe, clean, healthy and happy. Enjoy!

Now that you know how much work goes into training doves. You'll have new appreciation for how hard dove magic is. Search YouTube for "Lance Burton dove act" for my favorite dove act in action.

Now that you know how much work goes into training doves. You'll have new appreciation for how hard dove magic is. Search YouTube for "Lance Burton dove act" for my favorite dove act in action.

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