How to tone hamstrings with hip lift variations

Hip lifts are great exercises to strengthen the glutes and hamstrings. Correct alignment is essential so pay attention to keeping hips level and spine neutral. Try 10-15 reps for each exercise.


1. HIP LIFT - Lie on your back feet hip distance apart.  Feet should be close enough to the bum that you can push your feet directly down into the mat.

1. HIP LIFT - Lie on your back feet hip distance apart. Feet should be close enough to the bum that you can push your feet directly down into the mat.

2. HIP LIFT - Push feet into mat and lift hips up.   Try to get hips high without lifting the top of the shoulder blades off the mat.

2. HIP LIFT - Push feet into mat and lift hips up. Try to get hips high without lifting the top of the shoulder blades off the mat.

3. HIP LIFT - Lower hips and pelvis half way down to mat.  Try to keep the push of the feet as strong on the lowering of the pelvis when as when you are and lifting.

3. HIP LIFT - Lower hips and pelvis half way down to mat. Try to keep the push of the feet as strong on the lowering of the pelvis when as when you are and lifting.

4. HIP LIFT - Use the glutes and lift the pelvis back up.

4. HIP LIFT - Use the glutes and lift the pelvis back up.

1. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- Place feet and knees together and lift hips up creating a neutral spine. ( one long line from shoulders to knees).

1. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- Place feet and knees together and lift hips up creating a neutral spine. ( one long line from shoulders to knees).

2. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- While hips are lifted open knees slowly about a foot apart and then squeeze them back together. Repeat 15 times.

2. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- While hips are lifted open knees slowly about a foot apart and then squeeze them back together. Repeat 15 times.

3. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- Lower hips to mat to finish.

3. HIP LIFT WITH KNEE TAPS- Lower hips to mat to finish.

1. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE FLEXED - Starting on back place feet hip distance apart and then lift one foot off the mat to bring the leg table top.

1. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE FLEXED - Starting on back place feet hip distance apart and then lift one foot off the mat to bring the leg table top.

2. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE FLEXED- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up.  Keep the free knee above hip and try to keep hips level. Lower and lift hips. Repeat 10-15 times

2. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE FLEXED- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up. Keep the free knee above hip and try to keep hips level. Lower and lift hips. Repeat 10-15 times

1.SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE EXTENDED-   Starting on back place feet hip distance apart and then lift one foot off the mat.  Straighten knee reaching foot to ceiling. Try to start in a neutral spine.

1.SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE EXTENDED- Starting on back place feet hip distance apart and then lift one foot off the mat. Straighten knee reaching foot to ceiling. Try to start in a neutral spine.

2. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE EXTENDED- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up.  Keep The  leg and foot above hip and try to keep hips level.  Lower and lift hips.  Repeat 10-15 times..

2. SINGLE LEG HIP LIFT KNEE EXTENDED- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up. Keep The leg and foot above hip and try to keep hips level. Lower and lift hips. Repeat 10-15 times..

1. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK.  Start on back one leg long on floor parallel and energized.  Opposite knee bent.

1. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK. Start on back one leg long on floor parallel and energized. Opposite knee bent.

2. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK.  Simultaneously lift hips ( keeping them level and kick long leg straight above hip.

2. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK. Simultaneously lift hips ( keeping them level and kick long leg straight above hip.

3. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK.  Simultaneously lower hips and leg to floor . Try to bring hips down at same time. Repeat 10-15 times.

3. HIP LIFT WITH LEG KICK. Simultaneously lower hips and leg to floor . Try to bring hips down at same time. Repeat 10-15 times.

1.   SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lie on your back feet hip distance apart.  Feet should be close enough to the bum that you can push your feet directly down into the mat.

1. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lie on your back feet hip distance apart. Feet should be close enough to the bum that you can push your feet directly down into the mat.

2. - SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER-Push feet into mat and lift hips up.   Try to get hips high without lifting the top of the shoulder blades off the mat.

2. - SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER-Push feet into mat and lift hips up. Try to get hips high without lifting the top of the shoulder blades off the mat.

3.  SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up.  Keep The  leg and foot above hip and try to keep hips level.  .

3. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Push into the supporting foot and lift hips up. Keep The leg and foot above hip and try to keep hips level. .

4. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Extend the Table Top leg so foot is directly above hip. Try to keep the hips level.

4. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Extend the Table Top leg so foot is directly above hip. Try to keep the hips level.

5. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Engage the glutes and hamstrings and lower the free leg in line with right thigh.  Try not to dip the left hip lower than right.

5. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Engage the glutes and hamstrings and lower the free leg in line with right thigh. Try not to dip the left hip lower than right.

6. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lift free leg back to start straight above hip.   Repeat lower and lift 5-8 times.

6. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lift free leg back to start straight above hip. Repeat lower and lift 5-8 times.

7.  SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Flex knee bringing leg to table top.

7. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Flex knee bringing leg to table top.

8. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Place foot back on mat making sure hips stay lifted and level.

8. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Place foot back on mat making sure hips stay lifted and level.

9. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lower hips back to mat to finish. Repeat all variations on other side.

9. SHOULDER BRIDGE LIFT AND LOWER- Lower hips back to mat to finish. Repeat all variations on other side.

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