How to thread a bernina 830

Threading a Bernina 830 sewing machine.


Locate the presser foot lift lever at the back of the machine near the end of the sewing arm.  My thumb is on it in the photo.

Locate the presser foot lift lever at the back of the machine near the end of the sewing arm. My thumb is on it in the photo.

The foot lever is in the lowered position here:

The foot lever is in the lowered position here:

Lift the foot lever. This opens the thread tension to make threading easier. Here the lever is in the up position.

Lift the foot lever. This opens the thread tension to make threading easier. Here the lever is in the up position.

Choose thread & grab an empty bobbin to fill with bottom thread.

Choose thread & grab an empty bobbin to fill with bottom thread.

Place Thread Spool on Pin at back of Sewing Machine.

Place Thread Spool on Pin at back of Sewing Machine.

Like this.

Like this.

Pull thread across from right to left.

Pull thread across from right to left.

Clip thread and remove the bobbin.

Clip thread and remove the bobbin.

Set bobbin, now full of bottom thread, aside.

Set bobbin, now full of bottom thread, aside.

Again pull thread from right to left to begin threading the needle with top thread.

Again pull thread from right to left to begin threading the needle with top thread.

Find this first thread guide on the back of the machine above the foot lever we lifted earlier.

Find this first thread guide on the back of the machine above the foot lever we lifted earlier.

Pull it under the arm until it's through the guide. Like this.

Pull it under the arm until it's through the guide. Like this.

Pull thread through the thread tension disks inside this slot.  If you raised the foot lever this should be easy and they will not pull against the thread.

Pull thread through the thread tension disks inside this slot. If you raised the foot lever this should be easy and they will not pull against the thread.

Do you see the thread coming out of the Tension Slot?

Do you see the thread coming out of the Tension Slot?

Here it is.

Here it is.

Pull thread down to the 2nd thread guide. (Just above my index finger)

Pull thread down to the 2nd thread guide. (Just above my index finger)

Pull from right to left.

Pull from right to left.

Pull thread up to the sliding guide which should be in the up position.  If it's not up, use the larger hand wheel on the right side of the machine to raise it. Always turn this counter clockwise.

Pull thread up to the sliding guide which should be in the up position. If it's not up, use the larger hand wheel on the right side of the machine to raise it. Always turn this counter clockwise.

Here is the thread going through the sliding guide.

Here is the thread going through the sliding guide.

Pull thread down to the left side of the needle thread guide & place it behind.

Pull thread down to the left side of the needle thread guide & place it behind.

Like this.

Like this.

Insert your needle with this flat side facing away from you toward the back of the machine.

Insert your needle with this flat side facing away from you toward the back of the machine.

Like so.

Like so.

Use this knob to tighten the needle in place.

Use this knob to tighten the needle in place.

Insert a needle threader into the eye of the needle from back to front.

Insert a needle threader into the eye of the needle from back to front.

Push the thread through the threader.

Push the thread through the threader.

Pull the threader out bringing the thread through the eye of the needle.

Pull the threader out bringing the thread through the eye of the needle.

From front to back.

From front to back.

Choose your presser foot.

Choose your presser foot.

Pull top thread under foot and to the back of your machine.

Pull top thread under foot and to the back of your machine.

Hold your bobbin like this with the end of thread facing you.

Hold your bobbin like this with the end of thread facing you.

Place the bobbin into the bobbin case with the thread end sticking out.

Place the bobbin into the bobbin case with the thread end sticking out.

You'll see a small notch on the lip of the bobbin case. Pull the thread down and to the left so the thread enters the case under a small metal flap.

You'll see a small notch on the lip of the bobbin case. Pull the thread down and to the left so the thread enters the case under a small metal flap.

Now it's in.

Now it's in.

Grab the top thread firmly but do not pull on it.  You're going to lower the needle to grab the bottom thread, and you'll want to keep this thread end from disappearing.

Grab the top thread firmly but do not pull on it. You're going to lower the needle to grab the bottom thread, and you'll want to keep this thread end from disappearing.

Now if you pull on the top thread it should bring the bottom thread up like this.

Now if you pull on the top thread it should bring the bottom thread up like this.

Now you're ready to sew.

Now you're ready to sew.

  • 1.0 Spool of Thread
  • 1.0 Bobbin
  • 1.0 Sewing Needle
  • 1.0 Presser Foot
  • 1.0 Bernina 830 Record Sewing Machine