How to tease/poof your hair!

Tease/poof Your Hair!


Start with the hair combed through so there are no tangles. Only do it on someone who is wanting their hair to be BIG!!

Start with the hair combed through so there are no tangles. Only do it on someone who is wanting their hair to be BIG!!

Take a small section of hair from the top.

Take a small section of hair from the top.

Hairspray but only a little NOT TOO MUCH onto the bottom part of the hair!

Hairspray but only a little NOT TOO MUCH onto the bottom part of the hair!

Now use the comb and comb down on the hair! Do this as much as you can adding tangles! The more it looks like a bird nest the better! :)

Now use the comb and comb down on the hair! Do this as much as you can adding tangles! The more it looks like a bird nest the better! :)

Now grab another layer of hair behind the first.

Now grab another layer of hair behind the first.

Hairspray the front of the second layer.

Hairspray the front of the second layer.

Then comb down in the front of the layer.

Then comb down in the front of the layer.

Now use hairspray then the comb on the back of the second layer just like the front.

Now use hairspray then the comb on the back of the second layer just like the front.

Repeat the same steps as the second layer for about 3 to 4 more layers! This is what it should look like when you have done all the layers, a huge messy poof.

Repeat the same steps as the second layer for about 3 to 4 more layers! This is what it should look like when you have done all the layers, a huge messy poof.

Now go through each layer laying them back down and gently combing them on the top.

Now go through each layer laying them back down and gently combing them on the top.

This is what the finished product should look like!!! A "poof!" Good luck!! :)

  • 1 comb
  • 1can of hairspray