How to teach your dog to spin

Teaching your dog to do a few basic tricks is a great way to develop a close bond with your dog . The trick presented here is easy to teach and fun for the dog.


I use Natural Balance Rolls cut into one bite treats. The treats have a good scent, taste, and are good for your dog. Remember to keep them bite sized.

I use Natural Balance Rolls cut into one bite treats. The treats have a good scent, taste, and are good for your dog. Remember to keep them bite sized.

It is important that your dog is paying attention and making eye contact. I warm Bubba up with a look at me exercise using a treat.

It is important that your dog is paying attention and making eye contact. I warm Bubba up with a look at me exercise using a treat.

To teach the spin have your dog sit  in front of you and giving you his or her complete attention. Hold a treat in front of his nose and move it in a counter clock wise motion giving the spin command.

To teach the spin have your dog sit in front of you and giving you his or her complete attention. Hold a treat in front of his nose and move it in a counter clock wise motion giving the spin command.

As she stands and begins to turn keep the treat close to her nose and continue the counter clock wise motion.

As she stands and begins to turn keep the treat close to her nose and continue the counter clock wise motion.

Keep the treat moving and close to his nose.

Keep the treat moving and close to his nose.

Continue with the motion and repeat the spin command.

Continue with the motion and repeat the spin command.

When the spin is completed give the treat and the verbal reward. It is important to keep the treat close to the dogs nose in the beginning.

When the spin is completed give the treat and the verbal reward. It is important to keep the treat close to the dogs nose in the beginning.

Practice and your dog can perform this trick. Next time we will work on learning to bow.

  • A few bite size treats
  • A quiet place to work.