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You will need one cute dog! Mine is named Millie\u2026

You will need one cute dog! Mine is named Millie…

Some treats and a very patient owner\u2026 I like to use Organix dog treats in cheese flavor!

Some treats and a very patient owner… I like to use Organix dog treats in cheese flavor!

Start by picking up their paw\u2026

Start by picking up their paw…

Then say High-Five!!! Reward your dog with a treat or praise! Don't give a treat every time because you don't want to have to reward with snacks every time once they are trained!!

Repeat over and over… it took my dog about 3 sessions of 15 minutes to learn it fully!!

BUT BEWARE after a while it will be hard to get them to stop!!!! Enjoy playing with you fur baby!!

  • 1.0 A cute dog
  • Their favorite treats
  • 1.0 A patient owner