How to teach your dog to act ashamed

This is an easy trick to teach and most dogs will learn it with some help. It is a real confidence builder and helps with the teaching of more difficult tricks.


Using a chair that has a cushion attached get you dogs attention and show him a treat.  Place the treat under the front edge of the cushion and encourage him/her to take it .

Using a chair that has a cushion attached get you dogs attention and show him a treat. Place the treat under the front edge of the cushion and encourage him/her to take it .

As your dog gets better at putting it's head under the cushion, begin using the cue "are you ashamed." Be sure to give the reward when the dogs head is under the cushion.

As your dog gets better at putting it's head under the cushion, begin using the cue "are you ashamed." Be sure to give the reward when the dogs head is under the cushion.

Move the treat farther back under the cushion while repeating the cue. Hold the treat and tell your dog to wait before giving the reward.

Move the treat farther back under the cushion while repeating the cue. Hold the treat and tell your dog to wait before giving the reward.

When your dog is reliable with the cue and with putting it's head under the cushion give the command with no treat. When your dog sticks it's nose under the cushion put a treat in the back of chair.

When your dog is reliable with the cue and with putting it's head under the cushion give the command with no treat. When your dog sticks it's nose under the cushion put a treat in the back of chair.

Give your dog the treat under the cushion and repeat the process until your dog hides it's head on cue.  It is important to only reward when your dog's head is under the cushion

Give your dog the treat under the cushion and repeat the process until your dog hides it's head on cue. It is important to only reward when your dog's head is under the cushion

Bubba is still in the process of learning this trick. We will be working in different locations, with bigger cushions and blankets. We will also work on duration.

Go ahead and try this trick. And as always, take Bubba's advise and have fun.

Go ahead and try this trick. And as always, take Bubba's advise and have fun.

  • Treats
  • A chair with a cushion
  • Quiet place to work.