This interactive guide aims to illustrate the activities and interventions used as part of the Teaching to the Top Project. We hope you find ideas of interest that inspires you to take the challenge!
Growth Mind set - all project members acknowledge that the mind set of students and staff was a core area of focus that should be embedded throughout the project.
Some students undertook a Mindset Assessment Profile and their progress tracked throughout the project. 100% of learners moved in to Growth Mindset. Students saw their own progress as a motivator.
All colleges, through the various activities and interventions, considered mind-set and used positive reinforcement as a tool for motivation.
Lessons were adapted and activities included to consider problem solving, teamwork and communication in an industry relevant scenario.
The project allowed for us to pilot an 'away day' where students were taken out of their comfort zones and given opportunity to push themselves beyond perceived limitations.
The day proved a huge success! "I liked that the day was risky and I showed myself I could do things I wouldn't normally do if I put my mind to it. I would definitely do it again!!" Mohammed Hirsi
Where mind set was measured using the profiling tool, 100% of students moved in to the Growth Mind set zone. Along with the interventions, attribution can be placed on teaching students about mindset.
Employability Challenge. Tying in with mind-set, colleges endeavoured to embed employability into the programmes in response to literature suggesting curriculums needed to include soft skills
St. Brendan's launched the 'Employability Challenge' which allowed all students to gain experience, qualifications and work based learning - directly developing skills required for employment.
Students worked with employers, gained industry qualifications & went on site visits. They also were given the opportunity for work experience and awarded certificates for hours completed.
This pitching challenge (from Plymouth College) proved a hit with students as they prepared and presented their ideas to industry professionals embedding literacy, numeracy & employability in one go.
Students responded to the presence of employers and the quality of work was amongst the best ever, truly embedding literacy and numeracy throughout. This initiative will be present for years to come!
At Gloucestershire College, students were placed in a professional catering scenario and were required to produce food to professional standards. The results were stunning!
Public Services students taking part in industry based team building exercises. This allowed students to consider approaches they might take to demonstrate skills at interview.
General Classroom Interventions - the next few pages show a snapshot of the activities and interventions trialled throughout the project... of course there were many more!
Plymouth put together a new scheme of work specific to the maths and English challenge for the project.
Schemes of work were updated following reading of literature and text. Staff were challenged to trial new approaches and consider their impact on learning.
An online classroom using 'Class SeeSaw' was piloted within the project with great success. Students could work remotely and evidence their learning / achievements with user friendly technology.
Ed-Ted exercises were created for Flipped Learning trials. 100% engagement was reported & students completed this and reported in their online classroom, setting targets for future action.
Further ILT resources were utilised including Snapguide and Padlet. These user friendly & easy application activities resulted in high student engagement & a significant improvement in grade outcomes.
The schemes of work were reviewed regularly with impacts assessed via teacher, student and peer feedback. The interventions that worked are here to stay and others refined for future use.
Students were provided with interactive calculators to take ownership of their learning and assessment. Students used this to set targets for grade achievement and as a motivational tool for success.
This resource provided some great activities that teachers trialled within their teaching - this would be a great purchase for anyone taking on the challenge.
Students were recognised for their achievement on the Teaching to the Top programme
Celebration events have taken place that has recognised the success of students and staff. Here we have Performing Arts making the local press!
Level 2 Sport together one final time to celebrate their incredible achievements this year, in particular since the project inception.
The future - What changes can we already see so to ensure the Teaching to the Top legacy lives on?
The project has enabled future change and development of curriculum design e.g. a rejuvenated Level 2 induction programme that aims to respond to student need & engage and inspire from day one.
Two teachers on the project have also begun this CPD course - it has proven really useful as first a reflective tool and then as a depository of ideas and interventions to trial. Highly recommended!
The project has already started to have a wider impact with the delivery of INSET to an additional 42 staff members in one college and more INSET planned to keep pushing the project ideologies.
- 110.0 Students
- 17.0 Willing Teachers
- 3.0 Colleges
- 1.0 Project
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