How to take care of xandy & neely

Take Care of Xandy & Neely


Arrive at 808 Buchanan Street, #808

Arrive at 808 Buchanan Street, #808

Food is located in the kitchen in the stainless steel container. The bowls are next to the container.  I usually put food in the shallow bowls.

Food is located in the kitchen in the stainless steel container. The bowls are next to the container. I usually put food in the shallow bowls.

Both cats get 2 scoops (1/2 cup total) of dry food per day of the Royal Canin Calm.

There are 2 water bowls. Both are in the bedroom. One is in the bathroom next to the sink (you can refill with cold tap water)

There are 2 water bowls. Both are in the bedroom. One is in the bathroom next to the sink (you can refill with cold tap water)

The second is located near the bed.

The second is located near the bed.

Litterbox is located on the left side of the piano. Waste bags are on the windowsill and extra litter is behind the box (World's Best).  The trash chute is down the hall (toward the elevator)

Litterbox is located on the left side of the piano. Waste bags are on the windowsill and extra litter is behind the box (World's Best). The trash chute is down the hall (toward the elevator)

Treats, medicine, and toys will be on the kitchen table.

Treats, medicine, and toys will be on the kitchen table.

Cleaning supplies are on the kitchen table as well. Thanks ! 🐈

  • House Key