How to take care of ur nails...

Take Care of Ur Nails...


Trim your nails when they get too long. Cut nails when they reach a point that's to high for you. If you don't clip them when needed they can tear or get caught on things.

Trim your nails when they get too long. Cut nails when they reach a point that's to high for you. If you don't clip them when needed they can tear or get caught on things.

Follow a good diet for nails. Fragile nails can be caused by iron insufficiencies.

Follow a good diet for nails. Fragile nails can be caused by iron insufficiencies.

Use some tricks and remedies to clean your nails and remove stains...

Massage your nails. Use a cotton ball dipped in fresh lemon juice and rinse them all right out after short while...

Massage your nails. Use a cotton ball dipped in fresh lemon juice and rinse them all right out after short while...

Don't bite your nails! It's bad for your teeth and your nails

Don't bite your nails! It's bad for your teeth and your nails

For a nice clean look put on a clear coat of polish. That can't hurt anything but just avoid the skin.

For a nice clean look put on a clear coat of polish. That can't hurt anything but just avoid the skin.

When you get an ingrown toenail do not tear it out of your skin because it can: make you bleed, lose a lot of skin and nail, even worse it will hurt!

When you paint your fingers or toes when it starts to chip do not scrape it off. Use nail polish removers. Dab a bit on a cotton ball and rub on nail/nails until clean.

If you scrap nail polish off it will leave big ugly scratch marks.

Make sure you don't use unclean materials. Wash your clippers and dirt scraper after every use or it can make your nails even dirtier.

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cute huh???

cute huh???

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