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What's wrong with this picture? Nothing's just boring. No magic. How could it be better? Let's find out!

What's wrong with this picture? Nothing's just boring. No magic. How could it be better? Let's find out!

Turn off your flash. Let the lights set the mood. White lights illuminate the skin the best. If you can set your camera, increase your ISO to at least 800. Shutter speed 1/60.

Turn off your flash. Let the lights set the mood. White lights illuminate the skin the best. If you can set your camera, increase your ISO to at least 800. Shutter speed 1/60.

Try framing your child with the activity at hand. Here, I got right in between the branches. Spot meter on the face.

Try framing your child with the activity at hand. Here, I got right in between the branches. Spot meter on the face.

You can focus on things besides the action; capture some of the little details. Those little hands will change so quickly.

You can focus on things besides the action; capture some of the little details. Those little hands will change so quickly.

They do NOT need to look at the camera and smile! Well,maybe for one. But that's it. Sparks of interaction tug on the heartstrings!

They do NOT need to look at the camera and smile! Well,maybe for one. But that's it. Sparks of interaction tug on the heartstrings!

For your "look here" shots, you will want more light on their faces. Use your flash, but if you can, turn down the power and point the head away from them. Here, I am bouncing light off the ceiling.

For your "look here" shots, you will want more light on their faces. Use your flash, but if you can, turn down the power and point the head away from them. Here, I am bouncing light off the ceiling.

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  • Camera
  • Adjustable flash-nice but not necessary