How to take a jump shot

Take a Jump Shot


The shot is one of the most important parts of basketball. The better your shot the more opportunities it open up on the court. To shoot like a pro you must fallow some important steps.

Legs: Your feet are the base of your shot. They should be a shoulder width apart with your non-dominant foot slightly behind your dominant foot your knees should bent for a maximum amount of strength.

Arms: Your arms must be technically sound so that the ball goes where you want. Your elbow should be directly above your knee. Your wrist should be bent backwards cradling the ball.

Arms Continued: You should not be using your guide hand to shoot the ball it is merely there to keep the ball balanced on your dominant hand.

Shooting: To shoot the ball extend your elbows and knees simultaneously. As you are releasing the ball flick your wrist and push towards the net. This will put back spin on the ball.

Eyes: Your eyes should be focused on where you want the ball to go. Either look at the back of the rim or the part of the backboard you are aiming at. Now you are ready to shoot like a pro.

One of the drills I like that helps with shooting is spinach. In this drill you focus on all the technical points that I have mentioned before except you don't use your guide hand.

You put your guide hand behind your back ad shoot with one hand. This drill forces you to practice good form as well as helping teach you to flick your wrist and put back spin on the ball.

You put your guide hand behind your back ad shoot with one hand. This drill forces you to practice good form as well as helping teach you to flick your wrist and put back spin on the ball.

If you are finding this too easy you can make it a little harder by finding a partner and adding some movement. One person will rebound while the other is shooting.

After every shot you take while your partner is rebounding move to another place on the court to take your next shot.

After every shot you take while your partner is rebounding move to another place on the court to take your next shot.

This will help with your quick release as well as giving you a little bit of cardio workout. It's a good way of having fun while you improve your skills.

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