How to survive the many mobs in minecraft: pe edition
Survive the Many Mobs in Minecraft: PE Edition
There are three types of mobs in Minecraft. Passive mobs, Neutral mobs and Hostile mobs. Let's check out the nicer ones first!
These are Chickens! Or's hard to tell! Either way, they will follow you if you hold wheat seeds.
To breed chickens, you'll need to give them wheat seeds. Small hearts will appear over the mobs head when it enters 'Love Mode'. Of course, to breed, you'll need two adult chickens.
When killed, they will drop raw chicken and feathers. It's best to cook the food for more health recovery. The feathers can be used to craft arrows!
Now some lovely Cows!
Cows love wheat and will follow you if you hold it. It can also be used to breed two adult cows to make baby cows!
When killed, they will drop raw steak. Again, cook this first for best results!
Some happy Pigs! These mobs like carrots and will follow you if you have some. They also need carrots to breed, so start growing them!
When killed, they will drop raw porkchops.
Lots of colourful Sheep! In the wild, you will mostly find white sheep, but you may find the odd black, brown, grey or even pink sheep!
Like cows, they will follow you with wheat and can be bred with it as well.
You can also dye sheep using a variety of dyes. These can all be crafted using various materials gathered throughout your travels!
When killed, they will drop one block of wool in the colour they were. It's best to shear sheep as you'll get more wool and it'll grow back in no time for another shearing!
Oooo, a pack of Wolves!
You can actually train wolves to follow you and help out against the angry mobs! All you need is some bones. Once trained, they will have a red collar!
With a trained wolf, you can either ask it to stand, which will make the wolf follow you around the world or........
It can sit! This will keep your trusted companion in one place to protect your house!
But be warned! While the wolf is naturally Neutral, if you hit an untrained wolf, it WILL attack you!
Phew! Now....the Hostile mobs and perhaps the most iconic. The Creeper! Best to stay away from this one. It's silent and very deadly!
Because they tend to blow up! Imagine, that could have been your brand new house you've just built! Try to kill the creeper with a bow and arrow, or at least away from something important!
This here is a Skeleton! They will shoot at you from a distance and can pack quite a punch. You can usually hear them rattling in the caves.
Luckily for you, they burn in sunlight which will kill them very quickly. Except....if they are in water, then you will have deal the killing blow!
When killed, skeletons can drop bones which are useful for all sorts!
Much like the skeleton, this Zombie here does not like sunlight so you'll find him in the murky caves underground. You can usually hear them moaning. Horrible!
Sometimes when killed, they can drop feathers! Unusual, but we don't mind!
Terrifying! This is a Spider and can climb up blocks very quickly. You can tell a spider is nearby when you hear them make screechy noises!
Once killed, they can drop string which is also a useful crafting material.
That's a Silverfish! They are small, skittish mobs that you may never ever see, which is a good thing! They hide in blocks, so watch out if you find a stronghold, they like those areas!
Gooey mobs! These are Slimes that bounce around underground and come in all different sizes.
Once a large one is killed, it will split into smaller ones.
And even smaller ones! These baby Slimes can't hurt you though, so the threat is gone!
A very rare mob, the Zombie Pigman. He only appears once the Nether Reactor is activated. They are very vicious and dangerous so be on your guard!
When killed, they can drop feathers....
They can also burn in the sun, silly Pigman!
Ooo, and drop gold, even better!
Ahhhh! This mob scares me the most, the Enderman! Technically, they are Neutral mobs until you look them in the eye or attack them. You can usually hear them speak gibberish and see purple lights.
Oh no! Once attacked, they scream at you and charge! Look how big his mouth gets! They will teleport behind you to attack, so best hide with a wall behind you or in water, they hate that!
This one is cute though! Endermen tend to pick up random blocks, so don't be concerned if you find a random dirt block on a cobblestone path. That was the enderman!
That's a weird cow! That's because it's a Mooshroom. These can only be found on mushroom biomes.
You can shave mooshrooms to drop mushrooms, but once done, they turn back into normal cows. However, you can breed them with wheat so plenty of mushrooms to be had!
So many mobs, so little time. Hope this guide has helped you survive the packed world of Minecraft!
The creator of this guide has not included tools
Holly Ariake
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