How to super green detoxing lunch

Super Green Detoxing Lunch


Steaming kale for 5 mins is the best and healthiest way to eat it, since cell wall is broken down a bit

Steaming kale for 5 mins is the best and healthiest way to eat it, since cell wall is broken down a bit

Don't ever cook tomatoes, all the vitamin c will be destroyed

Don't ever cook tomatoes, all the vitamin c will be destroyed

Super cleanse! Rid of all the toxic metals in the body

For some color and immunity boost from its vitamin c

For some color and immunity boost from its vitamin c



Secret to yummy vegies

Secret to yummy vegies

  • Kale (steamed)
  • Brussels sprouts (steamed)
  • Parsley
  • Green tiger tomato
  • Sweet bell pepper
  • Salt and pepper
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Lemon