How to sucessfully teach your cat how to sit

Sucessfully Teach Your Cat How to Sit


Get you cat(s) and treats in the same spot so that you have the treats near by.

Get you cat(s) and treats in the same spot so that you have the treats near by.

Grab some treats and put them in your hand.

Grab some treats and put them in your hand.

Hold it in your hand so that the cat(s) can sniff the treats but not eat them.

Hold it in your hand so that the cat(s) can sniff the treats but not eat them.

Hold one treat in your hand so that the cat(s) can see it there.

Hold one treat in your hand so that the cat(s) can see it there.

Praise him/her and give them the treat.

Praise him/her and give them the treat.

If they don't sit when doing the previous step, continue saying "sit" and gently push their bottom down so they know what has to be done and what "sit" means.

Practice this daily so that your cat has a better understanding of what "sit" means, and what has to be done.

Thanks for watching!! Good luck when training your cat!!

  • Treats
  • A cat