Goal 1: I will appreciate others around me. Goal 2: I'll try to be a more critical thinker. Goal 3: I'll try my best at everything I do.
Appreciate the people around you because when they're gone they don't come back.
Trying your best is important when you're a student, to maintain good grades you have to try and keep trying to understand school work.
Critical thinking is open minded and rational, in order to do that you must think differently - outside the box.
Success as a friend is sticking with the person when everybody is against them.
If you want to succeed, have fun. Have fun on the journey in order to accomplish your goals.
Don't dwell in the past, don't worry about the future, consent- rate your mind on the present moment. This will help you succeed by showing you if you concentrate and stay calm things will be alright Journey-don't stop believing
My dog Rocky makes me happy when I'm having a bad day, he's playful and he brings me joy.
This quote shows that you can do what you want as long as it doesn't change who you are.
No matter what happens I try to stay positive and smile, my siblings help me do that.:)
This is my path to success, whats yours.
The creator of this guide has not included tools
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