How to style your infinity t shirt scarf - long & doubled

Visit to get your very own infinity T Shirt necklace scarf!


Long - Quick & easy, just  throw on your MonkeyTeeMonkeyDo infinity t-shirt necklace scarf bohemian style & go!

Long - Quick & easy, just throw on your MonkeyTeeMonkeyDo infinity t-shirt necklace scarf bohemian style & go!

Double - You pulled off the quick & easy long but now at the office the boss announces a meeting with urber important people :s No sweat you got this! Double that long & add some class to that sass!

Double - You pulled off the quick & easy long but now at the office the boss announces a meeting with urber important people :s No sweat you got this! Double that long & add some class to that sass!

Ta Da! Now rock that MonkeyTeeMonkeyDo t-shirt necklace scarf! A splash of sass & class all in a days work!

  • 1.0 Infinity T Shirt Scarf by MonkeyTeeMonkeyDo