How to strengthen my core

Strengthen My Core


This set of sit-ups will not only strengthen your core, but your back as well. I was a navy search and rescue swimmer and now a trainer, and life coach.

First are normal crunches. Start with laying on your back. Pull your legs up to a 90 degree angle with your waist &bend your knees so they are sticking straight out at 90 degrees again.100 sit-ups

Bicycle crunches. Same position you were just in but now your pretend to peddle a bike while doing a crunch. This time while crunching bring your R elbow up to touch L knee and the opposite. 100

We are now going to to side crunches. 50 on each side. So lay on your side with legs straight out and begin side crunches, to make it harder you can keep one leg elevated slightly.

Next step is plank for one minute. This an easy step and the next picture will explain the position your in, and all you do is hold that position for 1 min. Then one min brake and then repeat 3 times.

Flutter kicks.100 of these only counting your L leg. Lying on your back hold your legs up 6in above the ground for 10sec then begin kicking(not huge kicks) never touching the ground & end with 6in@10

Toe Touch. Lying on your back put your legs straight in the air and beg to try and touch your toes. This is the same motion as a crunch. We will do 100 of these.

Russian twists. Sit on the floor balancing only on the hard part of your buttock feet up with legs slightly bent and begin to touch opposite sides of the floor R&L in a some what fast motion. 100

Remember to stretch and drink lots of water. If you have any question feel free to email me at .If you live in the south jersey are I am more than willing to come over

This is me Matt Walder, so you know who is putting you through so much pain. Remember you also need to eat right to have a Dix pack. You should be doing this exercise 5 days a week.

This is me Matt Walder, so you know who is putting you through so much pain. Remember you also need to eat right to have a Dix pack. You should be doing this exercise 5 days a week.

  • Yourself
  • An open area
  • Music that makes you move