How to stop dieting and live in your perfect weight

Diets lead to binges and self-hatred. Losing weight without dieting is a healthy process, and it is totally achievable. You can stop dieting to be thin, and start eating to be your best self.


Your body has it's own wisdom, it's own consciousness, it's own language. You can assist it and be tuned into it--or ignore and argue with it.

Your body has it's own wisdom, it's own consciousness, it's own language. You can assist it and be tuned into it--or ignore and argue with it.

Learn to hear, recognize and honor your body's request for fuel.

Learn to hear, recognize and honor your body's request for fuel.

There is a difference. It can take some time to sort it out and trust your body. Especially if you have dieted often or binge. Reconnecting with and being IN your body is key.

There is a difference. It can take some time to sort it out and trust your body. Especially if you have dieted often or binge. Reconnecting with and being IN your body is key.

Spend willingly, cook, pack and take the food your body wants with you wherever you go.

Spend willingly, cook, pack and take the food your body wants with you wherever you go.

Be conscious of what you are eating when you are eating.

Be conscious of what you are eating when you are eating.

Listen to, hear and heed your body's signals of comfortable fullness. You can keep eating after that point, but it won't be for your body, it will be for your mind.

Listen to, hear and heed your body's signals of comfortable fullness. You can keep eating after that point, but it won't be for your body, it will be for your mind.

Relish exercise. Dance, stretch, walk, strengthen. Your body wants and needs movement. Your spirit does too. Do not use exercise as a punishment or a diet.

Relish exercise. Dance, stretch, walk, strengthen. Your body wants and needs movement. Your spirit does too. Do not use exercise as a punishment or a diet.

Face your shadow and your darkness, bring it into the light. Use teachers, healers and friends as guides.

Face your shadow and your darkness, bring it into the light. Use teachers, healers and friends as guides.

Feed them with fun, love, self-care, nurturing and acceptance.

Feed them with fun, love, self-care, nurturing and acceptance.

Drag it all into the light. Awareness will keep it from subconsciously sabotaging your efforts and reflecting into how you use food.

Drag it all into the light. Awareness will keep it from subconsciously sabotaging your efforts and reflecting into how you use food.

Shaming yourself will not make you thin. Loving yourself is the result you really want from losing weight, and so self-love must be the means to that end.

Shaming yourself will not make you thin. Loving yourself is the result you really want from losing weight, and so self-love must be the means to that end.

One badly needs your nurturing. The other is trying to protect you and your vulnerabilities and to motivate you, but it isn't kind, and it isn't right, and isn't truly helpful in its energy.

One badly needs your nurturing. The other is trying to protect you and your vulnerabilities and to motivate you, but it isn't kind, and it isn't right, and isn't truly helpful in its energy.

Use meditation and visualization to feel your emotions safely, connect with your body, and increase your personal power. Let your emotions move, not be locked away. This affects the body.

Use meditation and visualization to feel your emotions safely, connect with your body, and increase your personal power. Let your emotions move, not be locked away. This affects the body.

This is the most important part.

This is the most important part.

Get to and live in your natural weight, in your radiant body, in your joyful life, with no diet.

Get to and live in your natural weight, in your radiant body, in your joyful life, with no diet.

It is really just a new beginning. Never simple, but always a very beautiful path of opening to yourself and making food your friend and your body your treasure.

For additional support, you can request a one-one Love-Your-Body Strategy Session with me over the phone at \u2728\ud83d\udc95\u2728. (My practice is influenced by the work of Geneen Roth.)

For additional support, you can request a one-one Love-Your-Body Strategy Session with me over the phone at ✨💕✨. (My practice is influenced by the work of Geneen Roth.)

  • Acceptance
  • Self-love
  • Healers teachers friends
  • Curiosity about yourself
  • Kindness
  • An ocean of patience
  • Courage
  • Your body
  • Food that your body wants
  • Time for yourself